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Simplification of λ-ring expressions in the Grothendieck ring of Chow motives

D. Alfaya

26th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra - ACA 2021, Waterloo (Canada) Online. 23-27 julio 2021


The Grothendieck ring of Chow motives admits two natural opposite λ-ring structures, one of which is a special structure allowing the definition of Adams operations on the ring. In this work I present algorithms which allow an effective simplification of expressions that involve both λ-ring structures, as well as Adams operations. In particular, these algorithms allow the symbolic simplification of algebraic expressions in the sub-λ-ring of motives generated by a finite set of curves into polynomial expressions in a small set of motivic generators. As a consequence, the explicit computation of motives of some moduli spaces is performed, allowing the computational verification of some conjectural formulas for these spaces.

Resumen divulgativo:

Este trabajo presenta algoritmos que simplifican expresiones en el anillo de Grothendieck de motivos de Chow que involucran sus estructuras de λ-anillo y operaciones de Adams. Se calculan los motivos de algunos espacios de moduli, verificando computacionalmente fórmulas conjeturales para ellos. 

Palabras clave: Lambda-rings; Symbolic computations of motives; Chow motives; Moduli spaces; Higgs bundles moduli space

Fecha de publicación: 2021-07-23.

D. Alfaya, Simplification of λ-ring expressions in the Grothendieck ring of Chow motives, 26th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra - ACA 2021, Waterloo (Canada) Online. 23-27 julio 2021.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Análisis de datos

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